Bookies 2018
November 23—25
Sturenkatu 37—41 4b
Taking place for the second time, Bookies is a weekend dedicated to enjoying bookworks and discussing publishing as artistic practice with some of the key figures currently active in the field. The main focus of this year's event is on artists' projects realized in book form. The weekend consists of a two-day seminar of talks, presentations, launches and a temporary book shop. The participating artist-publishers and distributors will offer a wide selection of books and other printed matter from their catalogues to the public in an on-site temporary book shop. Aimed at artists, students and curators operating at the intersection of art and publishing, Bookies will map out current shifts in the ever expanding field. All events are open for public free of charge.
Bookies 2018 has been realized with the generous support of Finnish Culture Foundation and FRAME Fund and with great help from the University of the Arts Helsinki.
Bookies 2018 is organized by SIC Space and Rooftop Press together with PUBLICS.
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